Thursday, November 5, 2020

The trial of chicago 7

The trail Chicago 7 investigates a story that has marked history in a modern key, explaining the cultural revolution and conscientious objection through a film that crosses the historical, political, and court genres.


In the story of the trial Chicago 7 and their legal ordeal, Aaron Sorkin finds everything he loves most. This is based on a real story about procedural dynamics, politics, and a sense of ethics and justice. It is perfectly able to reflect the current affairs into which it falls. The trial of Chicago 7
  is not a film that ends in this: its value is universal and timeless, like the classic Hollywood cinema to which it evidently refers. Cinema of the world, of a word that still has political and progressive value, restores the importance of the dialectic and of the only polarization that makes sense. It is between justice and injustice, democracy, and the end of its values. Stream movies online MOVIESJOY website without payment.


The whole cast of the movie in great shape, with Rylance, Cohen, Strong, and Keaton to be the masters. They really did a great job throughout the film. The screenplay is brilliant and Sorkin (director) overcomes a very complicated obstacle, namely that of shaping and bringing out the most evident aspects of diametrically opposed characters. The soundtrack also lives on contrasts by presenting rhythms and melodies emotionally in contrast with what is shown by the images.


The way this movie is filmed is absolutely incredible. Everyone should watch this movie, it's really good. 

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